Announcing Success: Our Recent National Wraparound Childcare Programme Webinar


In late March, we hosted a webinar focusing on how schools and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) should respond to the government’s new National Wraparound Childcare Programme (previously known as ‘Pathfinder’). Attended by over 30 different MATs – including CEOs, CFOs and other representatives from some of the largest Trusts in the UK – the event served as a catalyst for meaningful discussion and future collaboration.

Strategies for Integrating Wraparound Childcare

During the webinar, we delved into the optimal strategies for integrating wraparound childcare into school environments; sharing our insights on the latest guidance published by the Department for Education (DfE). We emphasised how different approaches would inform the financial sustainability, community engagement, and operational burden of new and expanded provisions.

A laptop showing a webinar in progress on screen with cup of coffee in the foreground

Tailoring Solutions for MATs: Progress Update

Following the webinar, we are thrilled to announce that we are actively progressing conversations with numerous MATs to support their access to the National Wraparound Childcare Programme. These discussions are centred around tailoring solutions to meet the unique needs and objectives of each Trust. Our recommended next steps include assisting MATs in navigating the application process and accessing available funding through Local Authorities.

Audit Initiative: Maximising Wraparound Care for MATs

As part of this initiative, we have committed to providing several MATs with a comprehensive initial audit of their Trust’s current wraparound care offer. The audit will include an overall ‘Trust summary’, as well as a school-by-school analysis of any existing wraparound care, leading to our recommended actions for optimisation. This proactive step underscores our dedication to supporting MAT leaders with maximising their ability to make the NWCP a virtue for their Trust.

Second Webinar Alert: Join Us to Learn About The NWCP

For those who were unable to attend our first session, we are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a second webinar on Tuesday 7th May, at 10am. This webinar will provide another opportunity to learn about the NWCP and explore how MATs can engage with the scheme to benefit their budget and community.

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About the Author

Dan McCaffrey is the Managing Director of Childcare Bookings for Schools, the only outsourced payment, bookings and administration service for school-run childcare in the UK. A former primary teacher, he is also the owner of Pioneer Childcare, the 5th largest wraparound provider in the country, where he learned (the hard way!) everything he shares in these blogs. Dan lives in Sussex with his family.

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